Labs / Query Quake

Medium Created by Pandeo

Welcome to "Query Quake," our Capture The Flag (CTF) challenge designed to test your skills in vulnerability exploitation and privilege escalation.

Are you ready to quake the queries and find the flags? Let the challenge begin!

Challenge Overview

In "Query Quake," your mission is to find two hidden flags:

  1. User Flag: Located in the /home directory.
  2. Root Flag: Located in the /root directory.

Steps to Success

  1. Start the Machine: Begin by running the provided virtual machine.
  2. Network Scanning: Use tools like Nmap to scan the network and identify open ports and services.
  3. Exploit Vulnerabilities: Identify and exploit vulnerabilities within the system to gain initial access.
  4. Privilege Escalation: Once you have initial access, escalate your privileges to access the /root directory and retrieve the root flag.


Your goal is to find the two hidden flags. Use your skills and creativity to uncover both flags. Good luck, and have fun!

Start the Machine and the IP will show here

To attack the target machine, you must start the Machine first.

First hack 💥