Labs / Beyond Echo


Welcome to our CTF challenge "Beyond Echo"! This challenge will test your skills in finding and exploiting vulnerabilities. What about an RCE this time? Here's what you need to know:

Steps to Success

  1. Start the Machine: Begin by running the provided virtual machine.
  2. Complete Tasks: Follow the tasks to gather clues and progress through the challenge.
  3. Explore the Application: Investigate the web application thoroughly.



Your goal is to find the hidden flag, which is a UUID located in a flag.txt file at the root of the server. Use your skills and creativity to uncover it. Good luck and have fun!

Start the Machine and the IP will show here

To attack the target machine, you must start the Machine first.

What port is open on this Machine?
What does mean "RCE" in the context of cyber security?
What char is used to comment in shell?